Visitors from Finland at the Lancaster Environment Centre
03/28/2012 00:00:00

The Pyhajarvi Institute is an environmental research institute involved in the management of Lake Pyhajarvi. Three visitors from the Institute and four from the Environment Centre in Finland have been learning about Lancaster University’s research in water conservation.
The Director of the Pyhajarvi Institute is Teija Kirkkala who said: “We see that we have problems in common and all the questions are similar as we both develop water protection research. This visit is very useful because we can exchange experiences.”
Lancaster’s research to reduce water pollution includes the Mitigation of Phosphorus and Sediment (MOPS) projects and the Eden River Demonstration Test Catchment project, both funded by the Department for Environment and Rural Affairs. The Eden project is also funded by the Environment Agency.
Professor John Quinton is leading the MOPS projects while Professor Phil Haygarth from LEC is leading the Eden River project.
Professor Haygarth said: “We’re very happy to welcome our visitors from Finland because we are working on the same problems and it is interesting to see how they approach it and what we can learn from each other.”
The team from LEC have also been invited on a return visit to Finland.