Rising numbers of young people being shut out of first jobs
05/23/2012 00:00:00

The report argues that long-term changes in the skills required for first jobs have made it harder for many young people to get a foothold in the jobs market. This is likely to have been a significant factor in the growth of young people NEET (not in education, employment or training) since 2001.
‘Lost in Transition? The changing labour market and young people not in education, employment or training’ argues that the long-term shift from a production to service-driven economy has made soft skills increasingly important for young people seeking their first job. However, the education and training system has not adapted to reflect these changes, while employers often expect employees to be job-ready from day one. This leaves a growing number to “fall through the gaps”, struggling to make the first and most difficult step into sustained employment.
In England, nearly half of NEETs now have no experience of sustained paid employment beyond casual and holiday work. This represents over 450,000 young people who so far have been unable to make the transition from learning into employment.
Dr Paul Sissons, report author, said: “The labour market has changed considerably over the past few decades. First jobs are now less likely to be in manufacturing and more likely to be in the service sector where skills such as communication, team working and customer service are important. For young people without the soft skills needed to access work in these growing sectors, finding employment has become increasingly difficult.”
Shaks Ghosh, Chief Executive, Private Equity Foundation, said: “We know that if young people haven’t got on to the first rung of the job ladder by 24, they will suffer the consequences for the rest of their lives. Some will never work. That’s why this research is so shocking. Many NEET young people face a Catch-22: they don’t have the so-called ‘soft skills’ employers are looking for, but often the only opportunity to learn those skills is on the job.
“We need to ensure all our young people, irrespective of background, are connected to and prepared for today’s world of work before they leave school. They need personalised guidance, workplace mentors and introductions to business networks, as well as work experience which leads to paid employment.”
The report urges the government to ensure young people are provided with continuous support and follow-up whilst making their first move into employment. It raises concerns about recent changes to careers advice and guidance services which have divided responsibility for support between schools and the new careers service. This leaves potential gaps around 16-18 year olds and there is a real danger that the changes will leave some young people with insufficient and inconsistent support when they need it most. The report also stresses the need for clear pathways into the labour market for those who have already “fallen through the gaps.”
Paul Sissons said: “A period of worklessness while young can detrimentally impact peoples’ careers over the longer-term. More needs to be done to support young people at this crucial point of transition, and local service provision must be geared up to address this aim. This requires consistent support and effective coordination of services across local government, schools, employers and the third sector to prevent more young people from falling through the gaps in public provision.”