Lancaster student accommodation ranked second in the UK
04/26/2012 00:00:00

More than 14,000 undergraduates took part in the latest survey which was headed by the University of Cambridge, with Lancaster in joint second with the University of Dundee, and the University of Oxford in joint fourth place.
Like Oxford and Cambridge, Lancaster University provides most of its accommodation through colleges.
Hilary Simmons, Head of the Colleges and Student Life at Lancaster, explained the advantages of the college system.
"It's not like a first-year hall of residence. You have this huge vibrancy of second- and third-years organising lots of activities and social events. Keeping these smaller communities within the overall huge university community is really important to us."
Lancaster University is a pioneer of the Eco-Residences, which make up about 12 per cent of its stock and have won several awards.
The buildings incorporate more energy-efficient technologies and encourage students to live more sustainably, for example by using real-time energy monitors.
Students can also enjoy the benefits of roof mounted solar thermal panels to preheat the hot water, lighting controlled by Passive Infra Red (PIR) units, enhanced air tightness and insulation levels.