Lancaster increases outreach spend

The latest annual monitoring report by the Office for Fair Access (OFFA) and HEFCE published on Wednesday 4 July 2012, shows that in 2010-11 English universities and colleges invested significantly more in outreach activity to raise aspirations and attainment among people from lower-income backgrounds and other groups currently under-represented in higher education.
Lancaster University’s priority is to support every student to make the most of their life and education and for 2013 Lancaster will be spending £460K on outreach activity.
The University has committed £1.8m in scholarships and bursaries to help with fees and living costs, depending on individual circumstances and qualifications.
For students starting their study at Lancaster in 2013, over 600 each year will be entitled to bursaries and/or scholarships to help them with the cost of fees and/or living expenses.
In addition, Lancaster has introduced scholarships that recognise academic talent designed to reward the hard work and natural ability of full-time UK students regardless of their household income.
As a university nationally and internationally recognised for excellence in teaching, scholarship and research, Lancaster attracts high calibre, academically gifted students. Students achieving A*, A* & A in their A-level examinations (or equivalent academic qualifications), and who place Lancaster as their firm choice, will be awarded a £2,000 Lancaster Scholarship during their first year of undergraduate studies.
Lancaster’s Access Scholarship is to support students with household incomes of less than £42,600, who achieve excellent A level grades of A*, A, A, or the equivalent academic qualifications. They will be awarded a £1,000 Access Scholarship for each year of their studies. In addition, students from household incomes of less than £42,600 who achieve higher entry grades of A*, A, A, (or equivalent academic qualifications), will also be awarded a £2,000 Academic Scholarship in their first year of study.
Lancaster’s combined bursary package will help students from England whose household incomes are less than £42,600 with fees and living costs.
All students from England, with a household income of more than £25,000 but less than £42,600, will be awarded a Lancaster Bursary of £1,000 for each year of their studies.
In addition, as part of the National Scholarship Programme, students from England with a household income of less than £25,000 will receive a £1,000 Bursary per year, and a £1,000 Fee Waiver and a £1,000 Accommodation Discount in the first year of study.
Students from England eligible for our combined bursary package will also be awarded our Academic Scholarship and/or Access Scholarship if they meet the criteria.
For more information contact Lancaster’s funding helpline +44 (0)1524 594848 or email
All of the financial awards above are subject to approval by the Office for Fair Access.
To read the report see