Lancaster University ranked 7th in The Guardian league table

Lancaster University is ranked =7th out of 120 institutions in the UK in The Guardian University Guide 2013, while Physics at Lancaster is ranked second only to Oxford.
The Guide is designed to help students pick a course for 2013. The tables are based on measures such as graduate career prospects, how highly final year students rate their experience, a value-added score, spending per student and staffing ratios.
Professor Amanda Chetwynd, Pro-Vice- Chancellor for Colleges and the Student Experience, said: “Lancaster has fostered a culture of prioritising the student experience and teaching, and has striven to guard its strong research record with a significant investment in new teaching staff. This in turn has improved staff/student ratios.”
She said that Lancaster does well on the measure for student satisfaction and appeals to students who enjoy the friendly and informal atmosphere, access to their tutors and a cosmopolitan mix.
“We think that the combination of the strong academic reputation, emphasis on employability and the student experience has resulted in Lancaster experiencing a surge in popularity, and this strong demand is pushing up grades. Lancaster now has over 60% of students with AAB grades or better which is another league table measure.”
The Guide showed that 89% of final year students at Lancaster University were satisfied with teaching while 88% were satisfied overall, based on the National Student Survey (NSS).
Lancaster University, ranked 7th overall with Durham, also scored highly in the individual subject rankings: Physics 2nd only to Oxford, Art and Design 4th, Drama and Dance including film 5th, Mathematics 5th, Media Studies, Communication and Librarianship 7th, Sociology 10th, Religious Studies and Theology 11th, Economics 13th, Geography and Environmental Studies 13th, Businesses and Management Studies 13th, Law joint 14th, Computer Sciences and IT 14th, Biosciences 15th and Mechanical Engineering 15th.
The tables were compiled for The Guardian by Intelligent Metrix, an independent consultancy that specialises in measuring performance in higher education. The rankings are based on official data collected by the Higher Education Statistics Agency (Hesa) and on the National Student Survey, published by Hefce.
The Guardian league tables follows a ranking of 9th for Lancaster University in the recent Complete University Guide 2013.