Investors in People award for the Open College of the North West

An award ceremony was held to celebrate the Open College of the North West's achievement of the Investors in People (IIP) award.
The Open College is based at the Storey Institute, Lancaster and works with organisations in the North West, to increase adult participation in lifelong learning.
The IIP laurel was awarded by Steve Palmer, Executive Director of the Learning and Skills Council (LSC) for Lancashire to Claire Duckworth from OCNW.
Steve Palmer said that the award demonstrated that OCNW has a serious commitment to the professional development of its staff and this has contributed to the success of the organisation.
The new chief executive of OCNW Phil Wilkinson said: 'I have agreed with Steve that the Open College of the North West and the Lancashire Learning and Skills Council will work together to increase the participation of adults across Lancashire in Lifelong Learning, including Basic Skills and Access to Higher Education'.