Morecambe pupils' achievements are something to sing about

Morecambe Bay, West End and Trumacar schools have all been visited by LUVU volunteers for an afternoon of music over the past month, allowing children to explore the subject in fun and creative ways.
The children were invited onto campus to put together a performance for one another. Morecambe Bay Primary delivered a fully costumed samba band with help from volunteers from Lancaster University Music Society, Trumacar Primary performed an adaptation of Peter And The Wolf, and West End Primary were helped by MoreMusic to write and sing their very own song about Morecambe. The lyrics of their song can be found on LUVU’s website:
Mr Brendan Cronin, Year 3 Teacher at Morecambe Bay School said: “It was a pleasure to see the children having so much creative freedom and deciding how their performance would take shape for themselves.”
LUVU’s Joe Bourne said: “The project set out to show that regardless of ability or access to instruments, everybody can make and enjoy music. A massive thanks goes to everyone who helped the make the event a success - the LUVU volunteers, volunteers from the Music Society and Geoff Dixon from MoreMusic. Without these people the event would not have been possible.”
If you would like to know more about what LUVU does please go to their website or contact Joe Bourne on 01524 492828 or at