Lancaster Student awarded for cancer fundraising

A Lancaster University student has won a national award from Cancer Research UK for her contribution to the charity’s fundraising.
Gemma Breakwell was awarded the Young Supporter of the Year Prize at a ceremony in London for the charity’s annual Flame of Hope awards which recognises the work done by volunteers.
Gemma, who’s 21 and from Nottingham, began working for the university’s volunteer unit LUVU in her first year and this has led not just to the award but also to a career.
She said : “When I started university, I didn’t know what job I wanted to do at the end of it but after working on the Lancaster Fun Run 2004, I realised that event management was for me.
“Volunteering opened doors which wouldn’t have been there if I hadn’t got involved.”
Gemma’s fundraising including organising a Pink Day at the university for Breast Cancer Awareness Month which raised almost £1,200, and a sponsored walk in Williamson Park.
She now works part-time for Cancer Research UK and aims to get a full-time job as an events organiser after graduation.
She said: “Through LUVU, I’ve gained priceless events experience, made friends, won a national award and potentially found a career that I love. Volunteering can take you to amazing places and LUVU does a great job offering willing Lancaster students such a wealth of opportunities. I consider myself lucky to have been one of those students.”
Professor Alex Markham, chief executive of Cancer Research UK, said: “The Flame of Hope awards give us the opportunity to recognise people who donate their time and skills.”