Director Appointed to New Centre for Organisational Health and Wellbeing

Professor Susan Cartwright joins Lancaster University as Director of the new Centre for Organisational Health and Wellbeing based in the School of Health and Medicine.
Susan Cartwright comes from Manchester Business School where she was Professor of Organisational Psychology and a past Director of the Centre for Business Psychology and the Centre for Organisational Psychology.
The Centre aims to raise the profile of organisational health and wellbeing in its widest sense, looking at integrating many aspects of mental and physical health into work and the work environment. Future projects may address absenteeism at work, leadership and health , and effectiveness of health initiatives.
A board of eleven private and public companies belong to the Centre and will help inform the research by debating the big issues around organisational health and wellbeing and feeding ideas into projects. Nestle, Unilever, Tesco, North Lancashire PCT, National Policing Improvement Agency, Astra-Zeneca, Shell, Northumbria Water, GlaxoSmithKline and npower have signed up to support the Centre.
Professor Cartwright is a Fellow of the British Psychological Society and of The British Academy of Management and is currently the President of BAM. She has been an Associate Editor of the British Journal of Management for over seven years, a past editor of Leadership & Organization Development Journal and was the recipient of the first Meritous Reviewer Award presented by Human Relations. She has also served on various ESRC panels including the panel responsible for Recognition RT Status.
Currently, Susan is an expert reviewer/advisor to the Government Office for Science on the Mental Health and Well Being Foresight Project.
Her research interests and publications are in the area of occupational stress, emotional intelligence and organisational change, particularly in the context of mergers, acquisitions and joint ventures.