£1/4m boost for creative industries in Lancashire and Cumbria

Creative industries in Lancashire and Cumbria are to benefit from a £1/4m grant to enable Lancaster University to share its expertise with them.
The creative sector is recognised as central to the UK economy, providing almost two million jobs in 2004 ranging from the visual arts to digital media, dance and theatre.
The Grow Creative project based in the University’s Innovation and Enterprise Unit will provide a helping hand to both emerging and established creative businesses over the next 18 months. Creative individuals and businesses will benefit from the support available which will enable them to make the most of their talent.
The project will include networking events, workshops, targeted consultancies and mentoring support. The support provided will enable businesses to develop effective marketing strategies, understand how to protect their ideas, improve business planning and develop a greater awareness of funding sources and finances.
Charlotte Stuart, Project Manager, said: “It is recognised that the creative industries offer the potential to grow the regional economy at an accelerated pace. We have a wealth of creative talent in the region, not least amongst the graduates of our universities, and we’re keen to utilise the expertise we have at Lancaster to help businesses move onto the next level.”
Becky Gordon, responsible for support to Lancashire businesses through the project, added: “The Innovation and Enterprise Unit has established a reputation for client-focussed work and we’re keen to extend the impact we have in the creative sector and the economy of the region through this project. We’ve been given the opportunity to focus it specifically on the creative sector where this kind of support would be really beneficial.”
The project is partly funded by the European Regional Development Fund and the Higher Education Initiative.
Any creative businesses wishing to find out more should contact the project team, Charlotte Stuart or Becky Gordon on 01524 593412 or 01524 592809, email: c.stuart1@lancaster.ac.uk or r.gordon@lancs.ac.uk