Environment Centre Launches Business Breakfast Club

The Lancaster Environment Centre at Lancaster University is launching a free breakfast club for local businesses.
From Thursday, 21st October 2010, the club will meet every 6 weeks and will include guest speakers, networking opportunities and one-to-one support from business advisers.
LEC Business Breakfast Club is open to environmental companies, businesses seeking innovative environmental solutions, researchers and owner managers in the North West working in the environmental sector.
Each session will have a different theme, a guest speaker and a presentation from a successful business owner. Members will also have the support of advisors from BusinessLink, Envirolink, Lancaster City Council and the Lancashire County Council.
Sessions run from 8am to 10.30am. There will be a free breakfast on arrival and LEC facilities will remain open after 10.30am for continued networking.
The club will help businesses generate new contacts and set up collaborations with Lancaster Environment Centre academics. Members whose activities are complimentary to LEC’s work will also have access to the Environment Centre’s business facilities. These include a board room for 12 with video conferencing facilities and the use of the training suites for events of up to 100 people with the support of LEC staff.
LEC Business Partnerships Officer Becky Gordon said: “The Environment Centre is home to one of Europe’s largest Environmental Science research groups and we have a dedicated team working on a wide range of projects in partnership with business and industry.
“Through the business breakfast club we want to create an organic group of businesses who are interested in sharing ideas and best practice.”
The first session, ‘the value of networks’, will include presentations from Jackie Seddon of Envirolink NorthWest, Dr Ruth Alcock from the university’s Catchment Change Network and Mike Matthews from Peak Associates Environmental Consultants Ltd who will discuss how being part of both networks has benefitted his company.
Thekeynote speaker for the second session on the 2nd December will be Peter Dickman from Google who will be discussing cloud computing.Professor Phil Haygarth from LEC will explain how the use of cloud computing on the virtual observatory project at Lancaster University has been of benefit and Karl Hylands from SRS Consulting Ltd will describe how they have been using cloud computing to develop new products and services.
To register for the business breakfast club visit www.lec.lancs.ac.uk/breakfastclub
For more information contact Becky Gordon on 01524 510 214 or email b.gordon@lancaster.ac.uk