Nuffield Theatre Re-Launches

The Nuffield Theatre re-launches this autumn with a fantastic range of professional dance and theatre from the region, the UK and Europe.
It’s an exciting time for the theatre, with new funding from Arts Council England North West for an increased programme, the commissioning of new artworks (through the Nuffield New Works programme), and community and education projects. The auditorium is undergoing a refit thanks to the University, with new seating and staging being installed.
The autumn season opens on 9 October with Graeae, the UK’s leading company of disabled theatre practitioners. Another highlight is the premiere of a new work from internationally renowned company Walker Dance and Park Music (8pm, Thursday 27 November), recently co-commissioned by the Nuffield, the British Council and the Royal Opera House.
The autumn also sees the first fruits of the Nuffield’s Emerging Artists Scheme, which is working with young UK companies to create, promote and tour their first professional works.
Nuffield Director Matt Fenton said “We are putting artists at the centre of our thinking, creating real opportunities for young practitioners to develop their work in the North West within a supportively critical ecology, and to show that work to an enthusiastic audience.”
To view the programme, order a brochure, join the mailing list or review performances, see the new Nuffield website at