Opening of new Learning Zone

Students will be able to benefit from the new Learning Zone which opened for the first time on Saturday September 26th. The 848sqm Learning Zone on Alexandra Square will provide an open plan relaxing space for study.
There will be comprehensive WiFi coverage for students to connect their own laptops to the campus network, with a laptop loan service also available from the ISS Service Desk in the Zone.
Professor Amanda Chetwynd, Pro Vice-Chancellor for the Colleges and and the student experience said: “The Learning Zone is an example of the University’s commitment to providing a high quality learning environment for students. The design has incorporated the suggestions that were fed through by the student survey which asked 2nd year students and postgraduates about their future needs and it’s great now to see such a welcoming learning space in a prime location open to students 24/7. “
There will be booths for individual learning and a range of informal working spaces for small groups. Pods are bookable for meetings, presentations or group work, and other facilities include Apple Macintosh computers, colour printers, interactive white boards and data projectors.
The Zone will initially open from 9am to 5pm but from October 5th, it will be open 24 hours a day 7 days a week.