Lancaster University Energy Conference

As the Government gears up to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 60 per cent by 2050 Lancaster University has asked a number of eminent researchers to offer their visions of the future – how life will look in 15 years time. To make a 60 per cent reduction by 2050, Government policy aims for a 20 per cent reduction by 2020 - only 15 years from now.
Hybrid cars, wind turbines and solar panels are already becoming features of our lives but, as the Government targets begin to bite, how else will our lives change? How will we get to work, how will we travel, what type of homes will we live in?
The one-day conference, Energy Through the Looking Glass – The Impact of Energy on your life in 2020, will attempt to answer some of these questions.
The event, to be held on Tuesday, September 20, is the second Lancaster University energy policy conference. It incorporates the third annual North West Sustainable Energy Conference, is backed by the Northwest Development Agency and includes expert speakers form a range of government, academic and environmental organisations.
The conference will feature low and renewable energy demonstrations.
For further details and delegate information please contact the conference office on 01524 592341. Alternatively e-mail you can also log onto