Distinguished Professors
Lancaster University has established a new senior group of ‘distinguished professor’ reserved for limited number of star academics who are internationally recognised as world leaders in their field. The following individuals join this group.

Professor Keith Beven’s work as a hydrologist has been recognized with the award of the 4th John Dalton medal of the European Geophysical Society in 2001; the Horton Award and Fellowship of the American Geophysical Union.
Other international awards include the 2002 Linné Award Lecture at Uppsala University; the 2004 American Geophysical Union Langbein Award Lecture at the AGU General Congress in San Francisco; the Belgium Francqui Foundation Chair at K.U. Leuven in 1999/2000; and the Konung Carl XVI Gustafs Gästprofessor i Miljövetenskap (King of Sweden’s Visiting Professor in Environmental Research) for 2006/2007.
He is listed by ISI as Highly Cited in the areas of both Ecology/Environment and Engineering, has published over 300 journal papers, and is first author on the 4th and 5th ranked most highly cited papers that have appeared in hydrology journals, and has the highest H index of any hydrologist at 49.
He has worked at Lancaster since 1985 and currently also holds visiting positions at Uppsala University and EPFL, Lausanne. He is sole author of texts on Rainfall-Runoff Modelling (Wiley, 2001, with paperback edition in 2003), that has recently been translated into Chinese, and Environmental Modelling: An Uncertain Future? which was published by Routledge in July, 2008. He was invited to prepare the first in a series of books of Benchmark Papers (with commentary) for the International Association of Hydrological Sciences (2006) and has published five other edited books. He is an Associate Editor for Hydrological Processes, and on the editorial board of Advances in Water Resources and J. Forecasting.

Professor Kevin Glazebrook held a Chair in Applied Probability at the University of Newcastle upon Tyne (1993-2001) and a Chair in Management Science at the University of Edinburgh (2002-2005) before coming to Lancaster in 2005. He holds a joint position between the Department of Management Science and the Department of Mathematics and Statistics.
Kevin has an outstanding record of published research at the interface between operational research (OR), applied probability and statistics. His work has focussed primarily on the development and analysis of effective yet simple solutions to hard problems in stochastic dynamic optimization. In particular, he is a world leader in the study of indexable systems. This work has applications to such diverse areas as optimal exploration, inventory management, queueing control, research planning and reliability.
He held a Senior Research Fellowship of the National Research Council of the United States at the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, CA, (1989-1990) and is a frequent guest researcher both there and at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC. In 1993 he was a co-recipient of the Koopman Prize of the Operational Research Society of America. He is currently directing two major EPSRC-funded national initiatives in OR. These are NATCOR, a national taught course centre for doctoral students and LANCS, a £13 million project to build additional UK research capacity in the mathematics of OR.

Professor David Hutchison is regarded as one of the world’s leading academics in the field of Quality of Service for telecommunications and computer networks.He was an originator of the European Network of Excellence in computer networking (E-NEXT) which linked 40 of the best computer networking labs throughout Europe.
He has been serving as an evaluator and reviewer for the European Commission since the mid 1990s.Service in the UK has included being a member of the OFTEL technical advisory board and chairing the EPSRC/DTI Grid Network Team in the e-Science programme. He has been a member of the Advisory Board at Simula, the Norwegian national research lab in IT and Communications, and carried out technical evaluations at key Universities in Europe.
He is a Fellow of the BCS and IET, and has served on the technical programme committees of the main conferences in his area of work. He is an editorial board member of the international Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer Science Series, with responsibility for computer networks and telecommunications. He is also Editor of the Wiley book series in Communications, Networks and Distributed Systems. David Hutchison is a founder member of the UK Knowledge Transfer Network in digital communications.
Please see here for profiles of other distinguished professors