Lancaster University Launches Centre for Bioethics and Medical Law
Who gets what treatment in hospitals will be the subject of a study day to mark the launch of Lancaster University's Centre for Bioethics and Medical Law at the Lancaster Royal Infirmary on Friday 23 March, 2007.

The study day called "I want, I need, I choose: Prioritising or Rationing in the NHS, who decides?" is jointly hosted with University Hospitals Morecambe Bay Trust and speakers include Cathy Lubelska, Chair UHMB, Professor David Archard and Professor Hazel Biggs, Lancaster University, Ian Cumming, CEO, North Lancashire PCT, Chris Newdick, Reading University, author of ‘Who should we treat?’ and David Eaton, Consultant Oncologist, UHMB.
The Centre researches into:
· End-of-life issues and aging
· Beginning of life issues (e.g. reproductive technology and genetic screening)
· Informed consent, confidentiality and truth-telling
· Children, family and medicine
· Genetics, crime and responsibility
· Pharmaceuticals
A new Masters programme at Lancaster University in Bioethics and Medical Law has also been developed, which will begin to recruit students shortly in time for teaching to commence in October 2008.
Professor Hazel Biggs, Professor of Medical Law, said: “As well as bringing together researchers from different disciplines to think about bioethics and medical law, the Centre also collaborates with clinical experts, such as those in UHMB, to help to inform policy and clinical ethics on areas where we have research expertise, such as resource allocation, end of life care, assisted reproductive technologies, neonatal care, genetics and genomics amongst other things.”