Bright sparks at Lancaster

Some of the brightest sparks in England were at Lancaster University this week taking part in a series of special workshops.
34 pupils from inner city schools in Liverpool, Sheffield, Newcastle and Leeds came to Lancaster to take part in classes including Art, Law and Business during a residential programme organised by the Department of Continuing Education on behalf of The National Academy for Gifted and Talented Youth (NAGTY).
The pupils, aged from 13 to 15 years, had the opportunity to work together on new projects and meet people with similar interests and experiences.
All the pupils either attended schools where few pupils continue on to higher education or would be the first in their families to enter higher education. The event aimed to show them what it's like to study at a top University and to encourage them to aim high.
Feedback from the pupils showed how much they gained from the experience.
This programme is just one of a range of outreach events and summer schools run by Lancaster University for gifted and talented young people.

NAGTY is based at the University of Warwick and the Academy exists to develop, implement, promote and support educational opportunities for gifted and talented young people, as well as providing support for parents and educators. NAGTY was established by the government with a remit to co-ordinate the development and delivery of education for the top 5% of the population, up to the age of nineteen. It works with all parties who have an interest in this objective including schools, universities, government agencies and Local Education Authorities.
For information about NAGTY activities at Lancaster University, contact Mary Candler on 01524 594894.