It's All Relative

As part of a summer of events and artists' residencies commissioned by the Nuffield Theatre, choreographer Niki McCretton and fimmaker Kathy Hinde have just completed three weeks working with grandparents and grandchildren from the region. The youngest participant was 9 months, the oldest 84 years. The artists ran interviews in the participant’s houses focussing on what is unique about these relationships that skip a generation, as well as taking a series of cross-generational participatory workshops in dance, singing, writing and video-making. One grandparent took Niki, Kathy and three of her nine grandchildren on a guided tour of her birthplace, Kirkby Lonsdale. Another danced the waltz with his granddaughter in Morecambe’s famous Wintergardens...
Kathy and Niki, who are based in the South West, will be back next spring to present the fruits of their work in a site-specific performance made with all the participants in Morecambe. For more information, see or contact Alice Booth, Nuffield Projects and Artist Support Officer