Thai Students Meet Lancaster Researchers

Gifted students from a specialist Thai academy met Lancaster University researchers this week.
Pupils and teachers from Mahidol Wittayanusorn School, Thailand, visited the University as part of a science exchange project with Lancaster Girls’ Grammar School.
Mahidol Wittayanusorn school is a selective, mixed State Academy for gifted students in Science, Technology and Maths.
LGGS Thai exchange programme aims to strengthen links between the two very different schools delivering excellent science education to gifted and talented students in the UK and in Thailand.
Students from both schools came to Lancaster to see teaching, facilities and research activities in the Faculty of Science and Technology, allowing the students to gain some first-hand knowledge of undergraduate life at a leading UK University.
As part of the visit, the pupils had a workshop with Dr Paul Coulton a mobile games researcher based in the university’s ICT centre of excellence InfoLab21. Students also spent time with staff from Physics, Maths and Biology.
Lancaster Girls Grammar School teacher Steph Brown said: “The Sixth formers and their Thai partners found the maths and science activities great fun. They were able to overcome language and communication differences by thinking through problems together and sharing ideas.”