Scientist's Royal Society Success

Nicola Evans, a post-doctoral assistant from the Department of Biological Sciences has been accepted onto the Royal Society's MP-Scientist Pairing Scheme. This scheme is part of the Royal Society's Science in Society Programme, which broadly aims to encourage debate and communication between the scientists and other members of the public and help restore public confidence in science.
The scheme pairs scientists with their constituency MP's. Nicola is paired with Hilton Dawson, MP for Lancaster and Wyre. The hope is that the scientists involved will gain an understanding of how government operates, legislation is put together and how best they can engage in debate with
parliamentarians on issues of relevance to them and their work. Similarly MP's might hope to gain a better understanding of the issues facing scientists and to forge links with members of the scientific community. Nicola will be spending a week in Westminster during November.
Nicola states, "I've always been very enthusiastic about communicating science to non-scientists (having participated in and organised events for National Science Week, as well as being involved with organisations such as the Cambridge
Natural History Society which organises lectures, visits and exhibitions on science and natural history for university members and the general public). I am also interested in science policy, but have never known how I could discuss
issues of concern to me with the people making the decisions. Therefore, I'm very excited to have been offered a place on this years Royal Society Scheme."
MP for Lancaster & Wyre, Hilton Dawson stated, "I'm delighted to be linking with Nicky under the Royal Society Scheme.It's really vital that MP's are better informed about science issues and I'm particularly pleased to be working with a scientist from a world class establishment"