Kálmán Balogh and The Gypsy Cimbalom Band

A band that is guaranteed to put a spring in the step, bring a smile to the face and refresh the appetite of even the most jaded musical palette will be performing in the Great Hall, Lancaster University on Thursday 24th February at 7.30pm.
Appearing as part of Lancaster International Concert Series, Kálmán Balogh and The Gypsy Cimbalom band present the instrumental music performed by Gypsies in the Carpathian Basin and the Balkans.
Kálmán Balogh has been honing his undoubted musical skills for twenty years or so now, playing with the best of Hungary’s folk musicians with excursions into classical, jazz and rock. The music is in their blood, and the band combine their virtuosity inherited through belonging to famous musical dynasties, with a familiarity with different musical genres and styles.
Improvisation is at the heart of their music and has broadened the band’s horizons with elements of Latin music and flamenco, swing, ragtime and klezmer. This ability is one owned by the best Roma musicians. Different styles are combined to produce a homogeneous and distinctive whole - Gypsy music and in their case acoustic, jazzy Roma traditions from the Balkans result in a colourful, playful and totally ‘new’ music.
“Kálmán Balogh’s Gipsy Cimbalom Band offers the earthy, fresh sounds of Hungarian gypsy music…. For their sheer musicianship and their unfussy but undoubted virtuosity, Kálmán Balogh’s ensemble are a real find.”
The Scotsman
Kálmán Balogh Cimbalom, Sándor Kuti Guitar & Double bass, Sándor Budai Violin, László Mayor Violin, Ferenc Kovács Trumpet & Violin, Csaba Novak Double bass.
Box Office 01524 594151, Tickets: £13, £10.50 (£10.50, £8 concs.) Young person £5, Full details for the whole season are available at: www.lancasterconcerts.co.uk