Nuffield Theatre Presentations - Lone Twin's Sledge Hammer Songs

Extra show from Lone Twin at The Nuffield Theatre
Not previously advertised, The Nuffield Theatre proudly presents not one but two shows from the surreal and comic partnership of Lone Twin.
Sledge Hammer Songs
Described as ‘A Bother in Twenty One Dramas’ Lone Twin’s Sledge Hammer Songs evokes the mystery of the Medicine Show, the poetry of Pub Rock, the loneliness of the European Busker and the drownings of The Great and The Cursed. Drawing on the Spectacular Social Practices of Crop Growing, Morris Dancing, CD Burning, Cloud Taming, Weather Becoming and Justin Timberlaking, the evening’s activities exhaust, exasperate and evaporate all those willing to dance to The Calling.
Sledge Hammer Songs is the resolving work in lone twin’s internationally acclaimed series The Days of the Sledge Hammer Have Gone. Built from four years of travelling across Europe, America, Canada and Australia, Sledge Hammer Songs is a unique performance event.
Walk with Me
Walk with me... is a fantastic ‘performative’ event in its own right and forms a perfect introduction to lone twin's work. It is also very funny. Built to evoke as opposed to describe or define Sledge Hammer series - it has become a performance in its own right.
WALK WITH ME WALK WITH ME WILL SOMEBODY PLEASE WALK WITH ME Draws on lone twin's recurring use of walking as a central theme in the duo's collaborative works to date. The presentation responds to ideas of performance and travel, pedestrian knowledge, subjective-geographies and what can happen when it rains on one's map.
Lone twin’s
Sledge Hammer Songs
Nuffield Theatre, Lancaster University
Thursday 12th February at 8pm
And now..
Lone Twin’s
Walk With Me
Wednesday 11th February at 8pm
Tickets: £7.50, £4.50 concessions
Special double show ticket – see both for £10, £6 conc.
Box Office 0800 028 3042.