Biotechnology YES competition

The latest team of young researchers from Lancaster University and the Centre for Ecology and Hydrology are set to test their business skills in a national competition for entrepreneurs in science.
The Biotechnology YES (Young Entrepreneurs Scheme) – sponsored by the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council - is an innovative competition developed to raise awareness of the commercialisation of bioscience ideas among postgraduate students and postdoctoral scientists.
This team will present their business idea at the Regional event in Edinburgh November 16th-18th. Dr. Malcolm Possell says “This competition demonstrates that there are potential benefits of cutting edge research beyond an improved understanding of biological processes. Our idea is to produce essential oils via novel biotechnological methods. Essential oils are used in many different products and even have medicinal uses. The commercialisation of this idea means we could guarantee consistent, high quality products at lower costs, not just financially, but environmentally as well as this method does not have the environmental impact associated with intensive agricultural practices or chemical processes currently used to produce essential oils.”
Should the team prove successful they will proceed to the final in London on December 14th.
For further information on the BBSRC’s Biotechnology YES competition go to
i The Edinburgh Regional Team (pictured above from left to right) are: Richard Maunder (CEH), Dr Malcolm Possell, Dr Ben Herbert, Ben Langford, Jan Weber (Environmental Science).