Environment Centre working with business

The Lancaster Environment Centre is running a series of workshops for business and industry in 2006.
Seminars and workshops will focus on industry-relevant issues such as managing contaminated land, controlling pollution in agriculture and sustainable chemicals management.
The Lancaster Environment Centre, based at Lancaster University, is Europe’s largest environmental research centre, bringing together more than 300 scientists and researchers from disciplines across the natural and applied sciences.
Through these events, expertise and knowledge in the Environment Centre will be made available to the wider business community in the North West and beyond.
The first event (March 7) will focus on Sustainable Chemicals Management.
Other sessions will include:
March 21 – Contaminated Land Assessment Day.
May – Diffuse Pollution Control in Agri-ecosystems.
June – EU Reach regulation training event.
October – Energy and Resource Use for Agriculture.
Lancaster Environment Centre experts and specialists from external organisations will lead the sessions.
Lancaster Environment Centre Director of Enterprise and Business Partnerships Dr Mark Bacon said: “The Lancaster Environment Centre has world-class expertise in areas ranging from chemicals management to pollution monitoring. Via our collaboration with the Natural Environmental Research Council’s Centre for Ecology and Hydrology - LEC is uniquely positioned to share expertise with the business community.”
For further details or to register for any of the listed events please contact Mike Entwistle on 01524 510226 m.entwistle@lancaster.ac.uk