European Union of Geosciences Outstanding Young Scientist Award for 2003

Yani Najman, a new lecturer in the Department of Environmental science at Lancaster University, has won the European Union of Geosciences Outstanding Young Scientist Award for 2003.
Yani's research focuses on developing techniques using sediments as a record of past evolution of the planet.
She joins Lancaster in October and is currently in the School of Geosciences at the University of Edinburgh.
Yani said : "My research investigates the inter-relationship between tectonics, erosion and sedimentation. I utilise syntectonic sediments, preserved in the Himalayan foreland basin, to place constraints on kinematic models of orogenesis, better understand the tectonic influence on basin development, and determine Himalayan evolution in order to constrain its proposed effect on climate change and ocean geochemistry. My current research is focused on the Himalayas because it is a type example of models of mountain belt development, and it is proposed to have had a major effect on global climate and ocean chemistry. It is also a beautiful place!
"I'm looking forward to coming to Lancaster for a number of reasons which include firstly that I was very impressed by the friendliness of everyone at the department on the day of my visit and interview. I'm also looking forward to gaining a greater breadth of experience by working with colleagues in an Environmental Science department (I've come from a traditional geology background). Finally, I will have the opportunity to live in stunning countryside - I haven't decided whether I want to live in the Dales or Lake District yet, but either will be great."
Yani received her BSc from Edinburgh, 1986-1990; PhD Edinburgh 1990-1995 and was awarded the Royal Society Dorothy Hodgkin Fellowship : 1995-1999 (Cambridge University, in collaboration with Edinburgh). She then went on to get a Royal Society International Fellowship : 1999-2000 (University of Calgary, Canada) and her present post of Royal Society of Edinburgh / BP Fellowship.