Lancaster Welcomes BBC Singers and Psappha for Second Webcast Concert

Following on from the success of the first webcast concert, available to view online from the 25th February, Lancaster International Concert Series is delighted to present this unique collaboration between the virtuosic BBC Singers and brilliant contemporary music ensemble Psappha. This concert, the second of three to be filmed for release online as permanent streamed webcasts, will take place on February 28th and will also be recorded for broadcast on BBC Radio 3’s Hear and Now programme on March 15.
The concert offer a rare opportunity to discover the works of Canadian composer, Claude Vivier.
Claude Vivier was one of the great searchers of his time. Born in Quebec in 1948, he discovered his creative genius alongside his sexuality, and much of his music has the sensuousness of a love song. Music for him was also a spiritual quest, a journey that led him around the world – to Germany, where he studied with Stockhausen; to Iran, where he found the inspiration for his lustrous piano pieces, and on to Bali, an exuberant culture he felt in tune with. Eventually he found what he was looking for, a style of startling freshness and immense beauty, based on melodies moving through extraordinary landscapes of colour and texture.
Frustrated by life in Canada, he moved to Paris in his early 30s, and there threw himself into a life of sexual danger from out of which his music would develop. His death, at the hands of a young lover, was eerily foretold in the work on which he was working at the time.
This promises to be a dramatic and spell-binding concert.
The Great Hall, Lancaster University
Thursday 28th February 2008 at 7.30pm
BBC Singers with Psappha
Meet the Artist 6.45pm
Claude Vivier Et je reverrai cette ville étrange (ensemble, 1981)
Claude Vivier Shiraz (piano, 1977)
Claude Vivier Glaubst du an die Unsterblichkeit der Seele? (voices/ens. 1983)
Claude Vivier Journal* (voices / percussion, 1977)
Nicholas Kok conductor • Carolyn Foulkes soprano* • Siân Menna mezzo-soprano* • Stephen
Jeffes tenor* • Edward Price bass*
Tickets: £14.50, £12 (£12, £9.50 concessions) £5.50 Young person
For tickets or further information contact the Box Office
Tel: 01524 594151 01524 594151 (24 hour answerphone)
SMS Text: 07810 082832
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