Postgraduate Poster Days in LEC

Over a hundred postgraduates at the Lancaster Environment Centre (LEC) have been displaying their research at their annual poster sessions.
Eighty students on the Masters programmes presented posters on their dissertation project work, which covered a wide range of topics from volcanology to butterfly conservation. The prize winning posters were judged by Professors Graham Harris, Philip Haygarth and Ian Marshall.
The winners, who won book tokens, were Lucy Blades, for her poster on bats in the Forest of Bowland, Catherine Turner, for her poster describing her work using remote sensing to identify land use in the Pennines, and Janet Robinson, for her poster showing her work on the conservation needs of rare butterflies in the South Lakes.
The following day, fifty-nine PhD students at LEC put on a similarly impressive display with their posters. Again, the session was well attended by LEC staff and there was a very wide range of subjects represented, including the social sciences, geology, environmental sciences and ecology.
Prizes of book tokens were awarded to the best posters by 1st, 2nd and 3rd year students and the judges were Drs Jos Barlow, John Quinton, Oliver Wild and Gordon Clark. The winners were: first year, Georgina Key with her poster on biological control for crops; second year, Eleanor Mackay with her poster on phosphorus in lakes; and third year, Alexandra Henderson for her poster on paleoenvironmental conditions in the Himalayas.
Dr Ian Hartley said: “The atmosphere in the LEC courtyard was buzzing with discussion as staff and students discussed the work. The posters were an opportunity for students at all stages to showcase their work to each other and LEC staff, and congratulations are due to all the students for their hard work in preparing the displays.”