Maths partnership adds up to success

Lancaster University is forging ahead with a school partnership in a bid to inspire a future generation of mathematicians in Furness.
More than 30 pupils at Millom School and Dowdales School in Dalton took part in a day of special activities from ancient maths puzzles to mind-bending problem-solving games at the University.
The year nine and ten pupils even got a sneak preview of student life when they left their classrooms behind for the day and attended their first lecture in the university’s lecture theatres.
The scheme is part of an on-going relationship between the University, Dowdales School and Millom School – which has specialist status for technology. Over the last three years it has been so successful that Millom School is now in talks with the University over plans to roll the partnership out to other subject areas in the technology field.
Maths and Statistics Professor Amanda Chetwynd, who has helped set up the partnership between the University and Millom School, said: “The partnership is very successful. The students are extremely enthusiastic and lively which makes teaching them a joy. It is great for the university because we want to encourage students to come here and at the same time we want to encourage them to take up Maths – if not at university then at least to A-level because it is also essential for subjects such as engineering, accountancy and finance and physics.
John Stanton, Head of Maths at Millom School, said the number of students volunteering to take part in the workshops at Lancaster exceeded available places.
He said: “This is a great opportunity for our students to come and see what university life is like .It is important that every student has something to aspire to.”
Head of Maths at Dowdales School Angela York said the school was keen to maintain links with Lancaster.
She said: “This is a fantastic opportunity for the students to get to see the university. They really enjoyed. We are looking forward to taking part again.”