Honorary Degrees awarded

Edward Stobart, the Chairman and Chief Executive of the Eddie Stobart Group, received an honorary degree from the University's Pro-Chancellor Mr Brian Heron on Wednesday 4th December at 5pm.
Edward Stobart inherited a concern founded by his father Eddie, but developed it into the leading private haulage company in the United Kingdom.
His eight hundred lorries are a familiar sight on British and European roads and their smart liveries reflect his commitment to excellent management throughout the company. This image has created a fan club of 40,000 members who follow the lorries enthusiastically.
He will receive a Doctor of Laws (honoris causa).
Also receiving an honorary degree was Michael Brennan, formerly Irwin Goldyne Hearsh Professor of Banking and Finance (now Professor Emeritus) at the University of California, Los Angeles.
Michael Brennan has been Professor of Finance at the London Business School and is a leading international authority on new theoretical approaches to the problems of finance, writing extensively on such issues as asset pricing, corporate finance, derivatives and the role of information in capital markets.
He is a Director of the National Bureau of Economic Research, a former President of the American Finance Association and the Society for Financial Studies, and former editor of the Review of Financial Studies and the Journal of Finance.