The Staff Learning Centre

The new Staff Learning Centre is now open for business. Based in The Ash House, between Lonsdale College and the Dept of Continuing Education, it is available to all staff and offers a range of learning opportunities. It will be open from 10.00 - 4.00 Monday, Tuesday and Friday, and 9.00 - 5.00 Wednesday and Thursday.
The Centre houses a computer suite that can be used on a drop-in basis to develop IT skills, surf the Internet, use the scanner or send and receive Emails. In the near future staff will be able to enrol on Learn Direct courses. There are also two training rooms that will be used for staff development and training sessions.
Staff in the Centre will be available to offer IT support, help with study skills, English or numeracy and to provide information about further learning opportunities.
Drop in and see them, or contact Gill Plant (ext 94501) or Mandy Williams (ext 93794) for more information.
Picture from left to right - Mandy Williams (Skills Development Co-ordinator), Robert Clow (Union Learning Rep - MSF), Joe Thornberry (Staff Development Officer), Julie Austin (Union Learning Rep - Unison), Gill Plant (Staff Learning Centre Manager).