Nuffield Theatre - The Last Freakshow

The Nuffield Theatre invite you to join them at Lancaster University for a delightfully sticky pudding of fear, fun, voyeurism, prurient curiosity and downright bad taste as The Last Freakshow arrives in town from Thurs 2 – Sat 4 June.
Crippled impresario Gustav Drool and his assistant the lovely Hands have brought the superstars of the Freak community - Avia the Birdwoman, Aqua and Wobbly Boy - together for their very last tour ever. Promise!
In The Last Freakshow, Fittings Multimedia Arts have produced a gorgeously written, beautifully lit, well scored, well performed, entertaining piece of theatre lodged in a “splendidly baroque set” (The Stage). That boldly goes where no disability theatre has gone before, to seek out strange new worlds………. Ah well, you get the drift.
The Last Freakshow taps into the current, and very ancient fascination with Freaks and the desire to view alternatives to the body beautiful, whilst undermining the core delight of voyeurism by having the exhibits stare back. A show that trades on the interest of “The Fairground Community” mixing video, dance music, visual artworks, songs, physical theatre and text to address issues that are important to both the artists performing in the show and to the audience, whether disabled or not. Reclaiming disability history and challenging the status quo of power and control within the format of a very entertaining show.
“…a hilarious, ironic, hard hitting piece of theatre”. The Scotsman.
6.30pm & 8.30pm performances, £8 / £5 concessions
All shows have integrated BSL signing
For tickets or further information please call: The Box Office 01524 594151 (24 hour answerphone) Fax: 01524 39021
Box office text: 07810 082832 Email: