New Cancer Research At Lancaster

A scientist at Lancaster University is to carry out a new piece of cancer research which could potentially be of benefit in understanding many types of cancer. Dr Jane Owen-Lynch from the Department of Biological Sciences has received funding from the North West Cancer Research Fund. Her 3-year project will cost £93,000. Cancer remains the principle cause of premature death among adults in this country.
Dr Owen-Lynch's work will focus in the first instance on chronic myeloid leukaemia (cancer of the blood), a feature of which is the disruption of the normal pattern of blood cell production in bone marrow. Dr Owen-Lynch will study the mechanisms leading to the abnormal proliferation of these cells.
Dr Owen-Lynch said, "There are 500 new cases of chronic myeloid leukaemia diagnosed every year in the UK. This piece of work is particularly exciting because, as fundamental research, our findings could well apply to other types of leukaemia - one of the most common cancers - and, indeed, a broader range of other cancers."
The North West Cancer Research Fund funds pioneering research in 4 North West universities including Lancaster. It is one of the region's largest cancer research charities making £1 million a year available for research. There are normally 30 projects underway at any one time. Over 90p in every £ raised is spent directly on research. A number of the Fund's 30 voluntary committees are in Lancashire.