Aviation Security Expert joins Lancaster University

Professor Garik Markarian has joined researchers at Lancaster University’s InfoLab21 where he takes up a Chair in Communication Systems.
He has more than 20 years of academic and industrial experience in communications systems. His research interests include information theory, communications systems, digital broadcasting systems, wireless broadband systems, error correction coding and digital modulation, and satellite communications.
Professor Markarian, formerly director of the Institute of Integrated Information Systems at the University of Leeds and an internationally-renowned expert in communications technology, will lead a programme of research at Lancaster.
Currently, the research programme includes two projects focusing on time-critical decision making in aviation with a view to introducing automation, prediction and intelligent understanding.
One project is a KTP partnership with ULTRA Electronics, which was set up to produce an onboard security prototype providing decision makers on the ground with real-time situation awareness. The other project focuses on the development of a real-time management framework in aviation security.
The scope of research and group activities are expanding into various areas of aeronautical security by participation in the creation of the new European standard in aeronautical systems security (EUROCAE WG72) and upcoming EC directed Programme under the umbrella of FP7.
The Armenian-born professor and his team of researchers were the only UK University group to take part in an aviation security exercise in Munch in October which included the simulated hijacking of an aeroplane.
Organised by EUROCONTROL (European Organisation Air Traffic Management), MunichAirport and PATIN (Protection of Air Transportation and Infrastructure) Project, ) the event simulated the high jacking of an aircraft flying between Munich and Prague.
Professor Markarian - along with Lancaster University Knowledge Transfer Partnership Associate Alex Tarter, and Lancaster University PhD student Rainer Koelle who works for EUROCONTROL, Brussels - attended the event where they exhibited research to senior aviation experts from across Europe.