InfoLab21 Launches Jobshop to transfer ICT skills across the region

Lancaster University’s InfoLab21 is launching an online jobshop, which puts computer-savvy students and businesses in touch, keeping much-needed skills in the region.
The ICT JobShop aims to help Lancaster ICT students and employers find each other for part-time work, project work, vacation work and graduate positions.
InfoLab21’s Knowledge Business Centre (KBC) has contacts with hundreds of ICT companies across the Northwest. By using the InfoLab21 ICT JobShop, employers get access to computing and communication systems students from InfoLab21 – one of the largest ICT research centres in Europe. The University is ranked top in the North West and was ranked 8th in the country for computer science and IT in the Guardian's University Guide 2009.
The key benefits for ICT Businesses are the flexibility and simplicity of the site, the choice of ICT skills available and the time, money and resources saved using this specialist free site.
Meanwhile students gain valuable business experience and an opportunity to develop and apply their skills in the workplace. Unlike the usual student jobs, the ICT JobShop allows students to earn extra cash doing work that is relevant to their career and flexible enough to fit in with their studies.
There will be a wide range of jobs available as the ICT Job Shop grows and the ICT JobShop will also advertise full time and part-time ICT jobs which are suitable for recent graduates.
InfoLab21 acts as an innovation hub, providing a gateway for business/academic interaction and transfer expertise between InfoLab21's academics, regional businesses and community partnerships. This project adds to InfoLab21’s excellent track record with businesses and provides another way to bring universities, businesses and communities together.
Sarah Bennett, Jobshop Project Manager said: “There is a wealth of high-tech digital and creative companies in the region and it is important that we create opportunities for our students and graduates to gain employment and industry experience with them.
“Students and employers can contact each other directly, safely and securely via the site.”
The site is open to any business seeking ICT skills and all kinds of ICT related job opportunities are welcome. Businesses and InfoLab21 Students can register with the InfoLab21 Jobshop at .