Nuffield Theatre receives funding as Centre of Excellence

The Nuffield Theatre has been awarded a 20% uplift in funding from Arts Council England over the next 3 years, in acknowledgement of their role as a Centre of Excellence for the support and development of experimental theatre in the UK. The funding of £280,000 runs from April this year and secures the future of the Nuffield New Works commissioning programme and Nuffield Emerging Artists Scheme, as well as increased international work and a range of innovative community projects.
Nuffield Director Matt Fenton said:
‘We are delighted with this increased funding after a tight funding round nationally. We have been making the case for a long time for the unique role that campus-based venues such as the Nuffield can play in providing critical yet supportive contexts for the research and development of new work. This funding vindicates that belief.’
The Nuffield Theatre recently presented a double bill of work showcasing the talents of new performers including two former Lancaster University students.
Nuffield Projects and Artist Support Officer Alice Booth said
‘We are all really excited by the possibilities for development with greater investment. This funding will enable us to work in new ways with local audiences and participants, and build on our relationships with international artists and producers’.