Ruskin Library celebrates 10th Anniversary

The tenth anniversary of the opening of the Ruskin Library was celebrated on 8 May with a reception in the Leadership Centre.
The Chancellor, Sir Christian and Lady Bonington were welcomed by the Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences Professor Tony McEnery, along with guests including many of the Trustees of the Ruskin Foundation, which oversees the collection and its use. Also present were some of those involved in the original planning of the Library, such as former Pro Chancellor Sir Christopher Audland and Professor Michael Wheeler, who spearheaded the successful bid to obtain funding for the building from the Heritage Lottery Fund.

The Director and Curator of the Ruskin Library, Professor Stephen Wildman (recently awarded a Personal Chair in the History of Art), said: “The aim in establishing the Ruskin Library was not just to provide a uniquely comprehensive collection with a home, but to expand its use in research. Over the decade, as well as our exhibitions and publications, a great deal of cataloguing and documentation has taken place, with results that can be seen on the Library’s web pages, attracting the attention and interest of scholars worldwide.” Part of the reception included a demonstration of the newly completed digitisation project focusing on Ruskin’s Venetian Notebooks, based on material held in the Ruskin Library: this has been funded by the AHRC, in association with the Ruskin Centre and the Dept. of Computing (a team comprising Dr. Roger Garside, Prof. Ray Haslam and Mr. Ian Bliss).