Students Rate Lancaster University Top In The North

Lancaster University is the top ranked university in the North West and the joint top ranked University in the whole North of England, according to the 2008 National Student Survey.
Overall, Lancaster is ranked 13th nationally in the survey which was completed by almost 220,000 students at universities and colleges across the UK.
Students were asked about the quality of teaching, support and feedback they received during their course, as well as the way that their course was managed and the learning resources available.
Overall, 89% of students at Lancaster University were satisfied with their course compared with an average for the sector of 82%. Other institutions scoring 89% include the Universities of Durham and Sheffield, making Lancaster the joint top ranked university in the North of England. Specialist institutions were excluded to give an overall ranking of 13th in the country.
Lancaster University also scored highly – at 98% - for the proportion of students satisfied with their full-time course in Mathematical Sciences. This puts Lancaster equal second nationally in this category with the University of East Anglia.
Questioned about the teaching on all courses at Lancaster, 92% of students said that staff were good at explaining, 88% found their course intellectually stimulating and 87% said that staff were enthusiastic about their subject.
The organisation and management of all courses was also praised, with 82% saying that their course was well organised and smoothly run.
The questions on personal development showed that 80% of students felt their communication skills had improved, while 77% said taking their course had boosted their confidence.
The University, with its college structure, high standard accommodation and high quality teaching, places great emphasis on student satisfaction.
The Pro Vice Chancellor for Colleges and the Student Experience Professor Amanda Chetwynd said she was delighted that the students rate their time here very highly.
“It shows that the importance we have placed on being taught by leading researchers with plenty of opportunities for small group discussions has made the University an excellent learning environment”
Lancaster’s campus has recently been transformed with investment totalling £300m, providing new residential, teaching and social facilities for students and world-class academic centres. The University consistently receives outstanding feedback from students, with more than eight in ten international students saying they would recommend it to their friends in a survey last year.