Director of Public Arts Appointed

Former Director of the University's Nuffield Theatre Matt Fenton has been appointed to the new post of Director of the Public Arts at Lancaster University.
Matt will develop cross-disciplinary programmes of activity, with support for early-career artists at the core. He proposes a much more fluid approach to the spaces within the Great Hall complex, new programming strands in film, contemporary visual and digital arts, and a clear strategy for engagement with teaching and research. Most exciting is his intention to use the arts as a means of creating spectacle and intimacy in the many piazzas, walkways and open spaces across campus, and for participative engagement with local communities.
Matt brings his experience of developing the Nuffield Theatre into an award-winning and nationally important venue for the support of contemporary theatre and dance, now annually funded by Arts Council England as a Centre of Excellence; and as Scheme Director of LICA's new MA in Professional Contemporary Arts Practice.
Rachel Cooper, Director of LICA said: “As Director of LICA, I am thrilled at the direction we are taking for the Public Arts. Matt's will contribute further both to the excellent reputation we have gained for our research and teaching and to collaboration across the arts disciplines. His appointment is entirely in line with the trends needed in education and the creative industry sector.”