Nowgen launches photo competition

Nowgen, the North West Genetics Knowledge Park in which Lancaster University will play a key role, has launched a photographic competition.
The theme of the competition is ‘Human Genetics and Society’, and Nowgen hopes to attract a wide range of interpretations on how human genetics affects and influences life in modern society. The idea of the competition is to create a novel and stimulating exhibition to display a selection of the photos.
The exhibition will be launched at the opening of the new state-of-the-art Nowgen Centre in Manchester, planned for March 2005. When it opens, Nowgen will provide academic programmes led by Lancaster University’s Professor of Bioethics Ruth Chadwick, centring on the ethical, legal and social dimensions of genetics and drawing on Lancaster’s particular expertise in this field.
Nowgen is a partnership project of universities from the North West, including Lancaster, Manchester and Liverpool, as well as the Central Manchester and Manchester Children’s University Hospitals NHS Trust. Funding for the new £3.5 million building came from the Northwest Development Agency and the European Regional Development Fund.
The Nowgen photographic competition is supported by Jon Snow, Channel 4 news presenter, who is patron of the Rett Syndrome Association, and comedian Lenny Henry, who is patron of the Sickle Cell Society.
The competition’s judges include renowned photographer Brian Griffin and Olympus User Magazine Editor Tony Aston. Three digital cameras donated by Olumpus UK will be awarded to entrants who it is felt convey the subject in the most striking and innovative way.
The competition is open to everyone – members of genetic support groups, amateur or professional photographers, health care professionals, scientists, teachers, students and anyone else with an interest in human genetics.
For more information and an entry form contact Stuart Nicholls on 0161 276 8947, e-mail or enter online at
Lenny Henry picture taken by photographer Trevor Leighton.