Offical Opening of LUVU

On Friday 19th July at 1.00pm, Hilton Dawson MP for Lancaster and Wyre official opened the LUVU - The Lancaster University Volunteering Unit.
LUVU is an exciting new initiative that Lancaster University have successfully received funding for from the Higher Education Active community fund, which forms a key strategy in the government's objective to increase the amount of volunteering in our societies. Managed through Lancaster University Students Union (LUSU), the volunteering unit encourages students and staff at the university to get actively involved in volunteering opportunities in the local community.
Director of the Volunteering Unit, Sarah Elliott said:
"We are extremely pleased and excited to have gained funding for this new initiative. The development of the Lancaster University Volunteering Unit provides us with an effective way to recruit, train and support our students and staff to utilise their skills and energy to enhance their local community.
"It is important to LUSU and the University to continue to work in partnership with the local community in a positive way and to make links with local organisations and groups. We will be working alongside existing groups and organisations to create meaningful opportunities for volunteering and are also looking for opportunities to develop new projects managed through the Volunteering Unit.
"Volunteering is recognised by the government as a vital ingredient of community involvement. LUVU aims to harness the skills, energy and creativity of students and staff in a variety of different opportunities ranging from mentoring to arts and music for example. Student and staff volunteers will gain valuable work experience which will increase their employability, gain them new skills and give them the opportunity to meet new people and make a difference.
"We feel the Lancaster University Volunteering Unit will be a valuable and welcome resource to our community."
LUSU President Liam Danby agreed, adding "I hope LUVU will form an integral part of what Lancaster has to offer students, helping them give something back to the community, whilst at the same time gaining them the broad range of experience that is invaluable to today's graduates".
On opening the unit Hilton Dawson MP said "I'm very pleased with the development of Lancaster University Volunteering Unit. It makes a really important statement about the significance of the University to the ordinary life of the City. It will build bridges and good relationships between students and the local community ensuring an even warmer welcome to young people coming to the City and hopefully encouraging even more of them to stay on".
Anyone who works with volunteers in the Lancaster and Morecambe District and would like to find out more the Lancaster University Volunteering Unit can get in touch with Sarah Elliott on Tel: 592828.