Campus Arts Round Up

An exhibition of artworks by students with learning difficulties and disabilities from Blackpool and the Fylde College will be held at the Peter Scott Gallery between Tuesday 8th and Friday 11th July. These colourful prints and paintings were inspired by a visit to an exhibition by abstract artist Albert Irvin at the gallery earlier this year.
Gateway for Adults is a programme run by the School of Access & Continuing Education at Blackpool & the Fylde College, which allows adults with learning difficulties and disabilities to access courses to develop independent living skills and/or vocational skills. The creative studies modules on the programme offer opportunities for learners to develop their creativity, broadening their perspective and enhancing their lives.
A selection of paintings, prints and designs from the University Collection will also be on show in the gallery's Irene Manton Room. Admission is free and the gallery is open for this exhibition: Tues - Fri 11am-4pm and late Thurs 6-8.30pm. Further details are available from the Peter Scott Gallery on 01524 593057.
Meanwhile, the Ruskin Library continue to profile Ruskin's Romantic Tours 1837-1838, charting journeys Ruskin undertook with his parents around the North of England and Scotland whilst he was still a teenager. The exhibition combines Ruskin's own works with those of the artists who influenced him, including works by Samuel Prout and JMW Turner, Ruskin's two favourite artists and is on at the Ruskin Library until 28th September 2003.