Race For Life Success For Staff

Staff from Lancaster University have taken the first three places in the 5km Race For Life fundraising event for Cancer Research UK. 1,600 runners and walkers took part in the event on Sunday June 29th at Salt Ayre Sports Centre, including seven members of the Department of Medicine.
Crossing the finishing line first was Senior Lecturer Dr Karen Grant, at under 21 minutes, followed closely by Departmental Officer Julie Pearcy and Dr Ivonne Solis-Trapala. Becky MacManus, secretary at the Clinical Anatomy Learning Centre, finished shortly afterwards, followed by the Director of the Centre for Medical Education Prof Anne Garden, Dr Rosetta Lok and PA Cathy Thomson.
Between them, the seven have so far raised £600 for Cancer Research UK with money still being donated.
Dr Lok, who is also a Soroptimist, said, "Within the past two months, two of my Soroptimist friends, including Ruth Winterbottom who was High Sherriff of Lancashire, died from lung cancer, both never smoked. It would be wonderful to eradicate this killer disease, and raising funds for cancer research makes you feel positive about it."
Dr Grant said: “We all wanted to do something as a department and for a good cause. Everyone’s life is touched by cancer – my own mother died from cancer when I was very small – and Cancer Research UK fund some very important research into the disease. I go out running two or three times a week usually doing 10km. I’m pleased I came in first but it wasn’t about that, it was about doing something together for cancer research. It was a great atmosphere with everyone milling around before the race and at the end. I was particularly impressed with the number of children who were running – I’m going to encourage my two girls to take part next year. ”
Cathy Thomson said: “Cancer research seemed a suitable cause for the Department but all of us have friends or family affected by the disease. I’ve got two friends who died from cancer so it was good to take part and feel positive raising money.”
They all wish to thank colleagues, family and friends for their support and sponsorship, especially Dr Niels Laustsen from the Department of Maths and Statistics who encouraged them along the route.
Donations may still be made at