Encouraging Women in Science

The work that Lancaster University has done to encourage the employment and career progression of women employed in science, engineering and technology (SET) has been recognised by a bronze award from Athena SWAN. This organisation recognises good practice on recruiting and promoting women in universities and departments or faculties. Professor Farideh Honary (Communication Systems) and Dr Jennie Gilbert (Environmental Science) attended the Athena SWAN awards ceremony on behalf of the University, at the Zoological Society of London on Thursday 18 September where Professor Julia King, Vice-Chancellor of Aston University, was the keynote speaker.
The latest report on the Athena SWAN programme was launched at the lunch. It includes innovative examples from winning universities on how to address work-life balance Julie Ashdown, Manager of the Athena SWAN programme, said "This was a great opportunity to celebrate the achievements of SWAN Charter members who are committed to making the best of

their female talent and introducing positive changes in the workplace. These institutions bring to 30 the total number of awards made in the last 3 years."