Hong Kong calling for Lancashire Eco Companies

North West businesses have been to Hong Kong as part of a Lancaster University project bringing the UK and China closer together - both in the boardroom and in research labs.
Preston-based Enviro-systems Ltd and Warrington environmental consultancy Peak Associates joined a business delegation to the city led by Lancaster University’s Environment Centre’s business team.
The visit was part of the University’s China Bridge project - a £1.33m Research Council UK Science Bridge award to improve UK innovation links with China to help tackle environmental issues such as global food security and water quality.
Between 28 and 31 October, the delegation were at Eco Expo Asia - an international trading platform in Hong Kong showcasing the latest innovations in environmental protection from around the world. Large multinationals, regional and national government agencies from China attended.
Dr Mark Bacon, Director of Enterprise and Business Partnerships at the Lancaster Environment Centre, said: “Our new project brings together researchers from Lancaster together with our private sector partners in a unique way to exploit our existing research partnerships in China for the benefit of UK business.
“This visit gave us a platform to showcase some of the innovative environmental solutions we are developing as a University in partnership with regional businesses while allowing partner companies to make important contacts with potential customers and partner organizations in China.
“Lancaster University has an international reputation for teaching and research. The China Bridge project is about bringing together the excellence of our science with our capacity to deliver new innovations into UK and global business and in doing so contribute to Lancaster's standing as a truly international University
“The success of the visit exceeded all our expectations - our business partners are all set to pursue some exciting new business opportunities and working together we will continue to cement our relationship with the Chinese Academy of Sciences – China’s elite research institution.”
Lancaster's Partners in China include leading scientists at: China Agricultural University, Nanjing University, North West Agricultural and Forestry University and the Chinese Academy of Sciences.