New survey finds people are more stressed than 5 years ago

Professor Cary Cooper, stress expert from Lancaster University will be revealing the shocking facts about the UK’s stressed out population.
Professor Cooper, an Ambassador for the Samaritans, will be giving the key note speech to industry leaders at the London Stock Exchange on Feb 1 as part of the Samaritans ‘Stress Down Day.’ The survey will also be presented to MPs at the House of Commons.
A large sample of the population were surveyed about stress which found that 50% of people are more stressed today than they were 5yrs ago. Shockingly 16% of 16-24 yr olds feel suicidal and 31% feel that they have no-one to turn to.
72% of 16-24 yr olds feel more stressed today than five years ago. The survey shows that the three main areas of stress overall are financial worries (51%) , work(38%) and family problems (27%).
Professor Cooper said: “ As well as feeling higher levels of stress, people are turning to unhealthy ways of relieving stress much more, with one third of the respondents admitting to drinking as a way of feeling better. A large number of people also said that they avoid confronting their problems.”