Chinese dancers and musicians visited Lancaster University

Lancaster University was selected as the only venue in the north of England to host a performance by a prestigious group of Chinese classical dancers and musicians.
As part of the performance CCTV, China Central Television Station sent reporters to cover the event. The reporters filmed the cultural and historical sites of the city for a special report to be broadcasted with the Ameson- Lancaster University Culture Festival to CCTVs four hundred million viewers. The reporters interviewed the Vice-Chancellor of Lancaster University, Professor Paul Wellings and also the Mayor of Lancaster.
The performance was being jointly sponsored by US organisation Ameson International and by the University and consisted of two hours of high quality dance and music presented by outstanding performers from the Shenyang and Shanghai Conservatories of Music.
The programme provided a mix of dance and music at the University's Nuffield Theatre.
This performance provided a rare opportunity in north Lancashire to see traditional Chinese musicians and dancers.
The performance also coincided with a major University conference on the Economy and Business in China. Key speakers included Professor Fan Gang of the National Economic Research Institute, China Reform Foundation and Lord Powell of Bayswater, President of the China-Britain Business Council (CBBC).