Growing Greener Business in Lancaster

Lancaster University has helped a growing Lancaster business become cleaner and greener.
Quay Equestrian, which makes products for horses ranging from shampoos to feed supplements has improved its green credentials with the help of experts from the University’s Lancaster Environment Centre (LEC).
The company was one of 31 regional businesses to get free specialist advice from the University’s European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) funded project DESIRE.
DESIRE - which stands for Delivering Environmental Solutions Into Regional Enterprise - offers Small and Medium sized Enterprises tailored environmental support ranging from cost saving energy efficiency recommendations to advice on legislative compliance.
The DESIRE project team carried out an on-site environmental assessment at Quay Equestrian, St George’s Quay, then came up with a series of recommendations.
These changes have resulted in a raft of improvements ranging from new waste management procedures to measures to ensure chemicals could not be accidentally released into the river through the drainage system.
Andrew Stockford, Managing Director of Quay Equestrian, said: “The DESIRE project was a very helpful kick start to the process of managing our environmental performance more effectively. We can now assure our customers, stakeholders and regulators of our commitment to sound environmental practices.”
Desire Project manager Mike Entwistle said: “ Quay Equestrian was very keen to ensure that its operations take place in an environmentally responsible manner. As the company continues to grow this improved performance can only be a good thing for both the business and the environment.”
To find out more about DESIRE go to