International Marine Energy Workshop at Lancaster

Lancaster University Renewable Energy Group (LUREG) hosted a week-long Marine Energy Doctoral Training workshop last month for 40 PhD students from the UK and overseas.
Part of the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) Supergen Marine consortium research programme, the workshop focussed on control, simulation and optimization of marine wave and tidal energy converters.
The Doctoral Training Programme is helping to develop and train the next generation of researchers for the marine energy industry. The marine energy sector is expanding rapidly and there is a growing demand for qualified, experienced R&D staff.
LUREG Director and chair of the workshop George Aggidis said: “EPSRC Supergen Marine is revitalising the supply of trained scientists and engineers for the academic, industrial and infrastructure sectors of marine energy.”
Supergen Marine Seventh Doctoral Training Programme Workshop - 'Control of Wave and Tidal Energy Converters' was held on 22-26 February, 2010, Lancaster University.