Honorary Fellowship for Cary Cooper

Professor Cary Cooper CBE, Distinguished Professor of Organizational Psychology and Health at Lancaster University Management School, has been awarded an Honorary Fellowship of the Royal Irish College of Physicians in Dublin.
The Fellowship was awarded on the day that Prof Cooper delivered the 21st annual James Smiley Distinguished Lecture in Occupational Health to the College, under the title “The Disposable Workforce: Future Stressors At Work”.
Prof Cooper is also a Visiting Professor at Heriot-Watt University and the universities of Sheffield, Exeter and Liverpool, and he holds honorary doctorates from Heriot-Watt, Wolverhampton, Aston and Middlesex universities.
He has been invited to give major addresses at international conferences and universities abroad such as at the International Monetary Fund, the Hong Kong Occupational Safety & Health Commission, the Free University of Berlin, the University of Bergen, the University of Stockholm, the University of Amsterdam, Queen’s University in Canada and the University of Virginia. He has also spoken before governments and international bodies all over the world, from Japan to the US, Australia and Germany.
He appears regularly on radio and TV and in the national press.