Sixties students return for anniversary reunion

Seventy-three of the very first cohort of Lancaster University students returned to celebrate the 40th Anniversary of their alma mater over the weekend of November 12-14. Back in 1964 there were only 294 founding undergraduates based in the old Waring & Gillow building on St Leonardsgate in Lancaster.
The highlight of the weekend was the reunion dinner, hosted by Professor and Mrs Wellings, held in Lancaster House Hotel on campus. The 112 guests, who included partners of alumni and specially invited members of staff from 1964, enjoyed an informative and amusing presentation by the Vice-Chancellor about the development of the University, before sitting down to dinner.
The toast to the University at the end of the meal was proposed by John Taylor, who had travelled from India with his wife Valerie to attend. Others came from Canada, Belguim and Ireland.
Following the dinner was a Sixties and Seventies disco which went on until the early hours.
David Finch, who was one of those who first suggested the idea of the reunion, said: “This was a highly successful event, and so many people have stated how glad they were they attended.
“It was great to see so many (fairly) familiar faces, many of which we had not seen for 37 years. The weekend clearly demonstrated, if it were needed, the great affection for, and interest in, the University's future success, that we all retain.”
The event was organised by the Alumni & Development Office. Chris Fancy, Director of Alumni and Development, said: “It is fantastic to have so many graduates from our first intake in 1964 coming back to the campus. It’s a great opportunity to recall times past with them, but also to give them a chance to see how the University is still evolving and growing into an education establishment of world-class in the 21st century.”